5.7. Workflows


Higher level tasks (i.e. tasks that glue together several different calculations). These include:

     *  BADER:  calculation of Bader charges; requires the "bader" executable,

     *  CALCMOL:  fast and convenient molecule-in-a-box calculation

     *  DIFDEN:  DIFFerence DENsity (convenient calculation of charge density differences...)

     *  EOS:  equation of state (automated calculations of the lattice parameter "A")

     *  NEB:  workflows for refining and making NEB calculations easier, faster, and more convenient

     *  FLO:  neb.x PATH calculation preceded by pw.x relax calculations of the first and last images
              (FLO = First-Last-Optimization)

     *  NEB:  workflows for refining and making NEB calculations easier, faster, and more convenient

     *  BANDS:  a convenient utility to calculate and plot spaghetti band structure

     *  DOS:   a convenient utility to calculate and plot total DOS

     *  PDOS:  a flexible utility to calculate, manipulate, and plot projected DOSes

     *  MOPDOS: a flexible and configurable utility to calculate, manipulate, and plot
                DOS projected to molecular orbitals

     *  LOBSTER: a flexible utility to perform analysis of chemical bonding;
                 requires the "lobster" executable,

     *  PSEUDO:  a utility for testing pseudopotentials using the poor-man's total-energy criterion

     *  SBCO:  Scan-Bond Constrained-Optimization (a series of pw.x contrained-relaxation
               calculations where a specified bond is step-wise elongated)

     * SimpleWorkflows:  a collection of simple workflows for facilitating calculations