proc ::pwtk::lobster::sumdos {atomList {doscar DOSCAR} } {
::pwtk::lobster::sumdos atomList ?doscar?
- atomList ... list of atoms to sum, specified in the ::pwtk::parseRangeString syntax (example: 1-4,5,7)
- doscar ... (optional, default = DOSCAR) lobster DOSCAR file, e.g., DOSCAR.lobster, DOSCAR.LSO.lobster, DOSCAR.LCFO.lobster; can be abbreviated, e.g., DOS stands for DOSCAR.lobster, DOS.LCFO stands for DOSCAR.LCFO.lobster, etc.
Sum atomic/fragment PDOSes. If compatible PDOSes are summed, both atomic/fragment PDOS and obital-projected PDOSes will be summed, otherwise only atomic/fragment PDOSes are summed. In the first case, the output filename has the orbatm*.dat (or orgfrag*.dat) suffix, wheras in the second case
The name of the output file containing summed DOS, which has:
- .orbatom*.dat or .orbfrag*.dat suffix (* stands for the compressed atom list) when both atomic/fragment and obital-projected PDOSes were summed
- .atom*.dat or .frag*.dat suffix when only atomic/fragment PDOSes were summed
set doscar [::pwtk::lobster::lobsterfile_ $doscar] set head [file rootname $doscar] set lcfo [expr { [regexp LCFO $head] ? 1 : 0 }] array set info [::pwtk::lobster::DOSCAR_info_ $doscar] if { $lcfo } { set type frag set types fragments # for LCFO, nat == number of fragments set info(nat) $info(nproj) } else { set type atom set types atoms } set atmL [join [regsub -all , [regsub -all { *\- *} $atomList -] { }] ,] set atmL [regsub {\-$} $atmL -$info(nat)] set atomList [::pwtk::parseRangeString $atomList $info(nat)] if { [llength $atomList] == 0 } { # DOSCAR.atom.dat return $head.$type.dat } elseif { [llength $atomList] == 1 } { # DOSCAR.orbatomX.dat return $head.orb${type}$atomList.dat } array set info [::pwtk::lobster::DOSCAR_dat_ $doscar] # check if obitals can be summed set orb 1 set out $head.orb${type}$atmL.dat foreach ia $atomList { set ind([incr np]) $ia } for {set ip 1} {$ip < $np} {incr ip} { set ia $ind($ip) set ia1 $ind([expr $ip + 1]) if { $info(proj$ia) ne $info(proj$ia1) } { set orb 0 set out $head.${type}$atmL.dat break } } # atom No. of the 1st DOSCAR.orbatomX.dat file set ia0 [lindex $atomList 0] foreach ia $atomList { set dat $head.orb${type}$ia.dat ::pwtk::fileMustExist $dat "${type}X datafied LOBSTER" set fid($ia) [open $dat r] gets $fid($ia); # skip the 1st line } set oid [open $out w] if { $orb } { puts $oid "# Summed $type PDOS with orbital components for $types [join $atomList ,]" puts $oid "# orbital components: $info(proj1)" # other comment line are printed below } else { puts $oid "# Summed $type PDOS for $types [join $atomList ,] # nspin = $nspin # # iX indices of DOS components: # i0 = sum" if { $nspin == 1 } { puts $oid "# energy sum" } else { puts $oid "# energy sum(up) sum(dw)" } } # read & write the comment lines foreach ia $atomList { gets $fid($ia) line while { [regexp {^ *#} $line] } { if { $ia == $ia0 && $orb } { puts $oid $line } set pos [tell $fid($ia)] gets $fid($ia) line } seek $fid($ia) $pos # at this point $line contains the 1st DOS-data line if { $ia == $ia0 } { set len [llength $line] } } if { ! $orb } { # set 'len' to only summed atomic DOS set len [expr { $nspin == 1 ? 2 : 3 }] } # read & process xDOS data for {set ip 1} {$ip <= $info(npoints)} {incr ip} { # read foreach ia $atomList { set i 0 foreach f [gets $fid($ia)] { set d($ia,$i) $f incr i } } # energy puts -nonewline $oid [format %9.5f $d($ia0,0)] # xDOS for {set i 1} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set pdos 0.0 foreach ia $atomList { set pdos [expr $pdos + $d($ia,$i)] } puts -nonewline $oid [format " %.5f" $pdos] } puts $oid "" } # close files close $oid foreach ia $atomList { close $fid($ia) } return $out }