proc ::pwtk::sumpdosFiles {pdosFiles fileout} {
Sum PDOSes from $pdosFiles and write the result to the $fileout file.
BEWARE that PDOSes are summed separately for each component, hence only compatible pdos_atm files can be summed, i.e., s with s, p with p, and d with d, where s,p,d are angular momenta. Otherwise, an error occurs.
- pdosFiles -- explicit list of projwfc.x filpdos pdos_atm files
- fileout -- name of the output file where to write the summed PDOSes
The value of the "fileout" argument.
::pwtk::print "Summing PDOSes (all components separately) from files:" foreach f $pdosFiles { ::pwtk::print " $f" } ::pwtk::print " " set outID [open $fileout w] set kresolved 0 set n_ik_E 8; # the length of "[ik] E" fields (ik field is optional) set nspin 1 set last -1 foreach f $pdosFiles { ::pwtk::fileMustExist $f "projwfc.x pdos_atm" set fid($f) [open $f r] # read the 1st line from all the files gets $fid($f) line($f) set len [llength $line($f)] # kresolved mode? if { [lindex $line($f) 1] == "ik" } { set kresolved 1 set n_ik_E 14; # 8 + 5 + 1 } # spin-polarized? if { [lindex $line($f) 3+$kresolved] == "ldosup(E)" || [lindex $line($f) 3+$kresolved] == "pdosup(E)" } { set nspin 2 } # check that all the files have the same number of fields if { $last < 0 } { set last $len puts $outID $line($f) } elseif { $len != $last } { ::pwtk::error "pdos_atm files $pdosFiles do not contain the same number of fields; cannot sum orbital contributions" 1 } set last $len } # due to "#" and "(eV)" fields, $len == nfields+2, incr len -2 if { $kresolved } { ::pwtk::print "PDOSes are k-resolved" } if { $nspin > 1 } { ::pwtk::print "PDOSes are spin-polarized" } set eof 0 while { ! $eof } { for {set i 1} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set pdos($i) 0.0 } foreach f $pdosFiles { set ik_E [read $fid($f) $n_ik_E] if { [eof $fid($f)] } { set eof 1 break } for {set i 1} {$i < $len} {incr i} { if { [catch {set pdos($i) [expr $pdos($i) + [read $fid($f) 11]]} err] } { ::pwtk::error "error reading file $f\n$err" 1 } } # read EOL read $fid($f) 1 } if { ! $eof } { puts -nonewline $outID [format %${n_ik_E}s $ik_E] for {set i 1} {$i < $len} {incr i} { puts -nonewline $outID [format %11.3E $pdos($i)] } puts $outID "" } } # close the files foreach f $pdosFiles { close $fid($f) } close $outID ::pwtk::print "Summed PDOS written to : $fileout\n" return $fileout }