

proc ::pwtk::calcmol {args} {


Utility for making a fast molecule-in-a-box calculation from SMILES specs. Unless explicitly requested otherwise, an orthorhombic "box" will be automatically constructed, based on the size of the molecule.


This routine requires the "obabel" program.


    calcmol  ?-relax|-scf?  ?-vacuum VACUUM|-box BOX_SPECS|-nobox?  ?-center|-orig?  \
             ?-mo?  ?-magn NELEC?  ?-smear DEGAUSS?  molecule  SMILES


Exclusive options:

    * -vacuum VACUUM ... size of the vacuum in angstroms around the molecule; default = 8 angstroms    
    * -nobox         ... explicitly requests not to assign CELL_PARAMETERS
                         (user must define the lattice parameters prior to calling 'calcmol')    
    * -box BOX_SPECS ... size of the box in angstroms used for CELL_PARAMETERS, where BOX_SPECS are:
       + if BOX_SPECS == A: cubic box (A x A x A),
       + if BOX_SPECS == {A C}: tetragonal box (A x A x C),
       + if BOX_SPECS == {A B C}: orthorhombic (A x B x C).

Non-exclusive options:


Calling ::pwtk::calcmol without options defaults to: -relax -center -vacuum 8.0


The name of the pw.x output file.


    printTitle CALCMOL "Building and calculating a molecular structure from the SMILES specs"
    print CALCMOL "called as:  [procName] $args\n"

    # check if obabel exists
    if { [auto_execok obabel] eq "" } {
        ::pwtk::error {"obabel" program does not exist} 1

    # parse options
    set options {
        {relax           "make a molecular structural relaxation"}
        {scf             "make a single point SCF calculation"}
        {vacuum.arg 8.0  "size of vacuum around the molecule in angstroms (the same in each direction)"}
        {box.arg    -1   "size of the box in angstroms used for the CELL_PARAMETERS"}
        {nobox           "explicitly requests not to assign CELL_PARAMETERS"}
        {center          "shift the molecule to the center of the simulation BOX"}
        {orig            "shift the molecule to the origin of the simulation BOX"}
        {mo              "calculate signed molecular-orbital densities and write them to XSF file"}
        {magn.arg   0    "total magnetization, i.e., number of unpaired electrons"}
        {smear.arg  -1   "smearing value for occupations = 'smearing' (e.g., use in case of convergency problems)"}
    set usage "?-relax|-scf?  ?-vacuum value | -box {a ?b? ?c?} | -nobox?  ?-center|-orig?  ?-mo?  ?-magn value?  ?-smear value?  molecule  SMILE"

    set narg 2
    checkOTypeStrict_ -vacuum $opt(vacuum) double number
    checkOTypeStrict_ -box    $opt(box)    {numberlist double}  "list of numbers"
    checkOTypeStrict_ -magn   $opt(magn)   double number
    checkOTypeStrict_ -smear  $opt(smear)  double number    
    # consistency-checks
    if { $opt(relax) && $opt(scf) } {
        ::pwtk::error "exclusive -relax and -scf options specified; please specify only one of them" 1
    if { $opt(center) && $opt(orig) } {
        ::pwtk::error "exclusive -center and -orig options specified; please specify only one of them" 1
    set lvac [expr {"-vacuum" in $args_}]
    set lbox [expr {"-box" in $args_}]
    if { $lvac + $lbox + $opt(nobox) > 1 } {
        ::pwtk::error "two or more exclusive -vacuum, -box, -nobox options specified; please specify only one of them" 1
    if { $lvac + $lbox + $opt(nobox) == 0 } {
        # -vacuum is the default
        set lvac 1

    set name   [lindex $args 0]
    set smile  [lindex $args 1]
    set prefix [regsub , $name .]; # get rid of ","    
    # generate the molecular structure from SMILES
    set coor [smilesToCoor $smile]
    set nat  [getNAtoms $coor]
    set calc "relax"
    if { $opt(scf) || $nat == 1 } {
        set calc scf
    print "Molecule name    :   $name"
    print "SMILES           :   $smile"
    print "Calculation type :   [string toupper $calc]"
    print "Number of atoms  :   $nat\n"
    # put a molecule in the box
    if { $lvac } {        
        set box [boxify $coor $opt(vacuum)]
        set boxLine "\n   - requested vacuum size (in each direction):  $opt(vacuum) Angstroms"
    } elseif { $lbox } {
        set box [calcmol_boxify_ $opt(box)]
        set boxLine ""
    } else {
        # -nobox
        lassign [calcmol_get_user_box_origin_ $coor] box origin
        set boxLine "\n   - relying on the user defined box"
    set cell [m2cell [matricize [join $box x] ]]

    if { $opt(orig) } {
        set shift origin
        set origin "0.0 0.0 0.0"
    } else {
        ifnotexist origin {
            set origin [lmap o $box {expr 0.5*$o}]
        set shift "center at [eval {format {(%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)}} $origin] Angstroms"
    set coor [eval {::pwtk::atmPosTo $coor} $origin]

    print "MOLECULE in a BOX SETTINGS:${boxLine}
   - box size (in each direction):  [eval {format {%.4f x %.4f x %.4f}} $box] Angstroms
   - molecule shifted to the box $shift\n"

    # make a pw.x calculation
    input_pushpop {
        CONTROL " calculation = [squote $calc], prefix = [squote $prefix] "
        if { $calc == "relax" } {
            IONS ""
        if { ! $opt(nobox) } {
            SYSTEM " ibrav = 0 "
            CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom) $cell
        ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom) $coor

        if { [::pwtk::pwi::ibrav] == 0 } {
            print "Box unit-cell vectors:\n[::pwtk::input::cardGet CELL_PARAMETERS]"
        print "Molecular atomic positions in the box:\n[::pwtk::input::cardGet ATOMIC_POSITIONS]"

        # smearing ?
        if { $opt(smear) > 0.0 } {
            set smearing [::pwtk::input::namelistGetVarValue SYSTEM smearing]
            if { $smearing == {} } { set smearing 'm-p' }
            set occ "occupations = 'smearing', smearing = $smearing, degauss = $opt(smear)"
            print "Smearing requested :"
            print "SYSTEM { $occ }\n"
            SYSTEM $occ

        # set the spin/magnetization setup
        set nbnd [spinSetup $opt(magn) $opt(mo)]

        print CALCMOL "making a pw.x [string toupper $calc] calculation of \"$name\"\n"
        set pwo [runPW pw.$name.$calc]

        # do we want to calculate also MO ?
        if { $opt(mo) } {
            printTitle ORBITALS "Calculating valence signed molecular-orbital densities (up to LUMO orbital)"
            INPUTPP "
                filplot = 'psi2.$prefix'
                plot_num  =  7
                kpoint    =  1 
                kband(1)  =  1
                kband(2)  =  $nbnd
                lsign     =  .true.
            PLOT {
                nfile     =  1,
                weight(1) =  1.0,
                iflag     =  3,
                fileout   = '.xsf'
                output_format =  5,
            runPP pp.$name.psi2

            set last [format %03d $nbnd]
            print "Molecular orbital densities written to files :  
   psi2.${prefix}_K001_B001.xsf ... psi2.${prefix}_K001_B$last.xsf\n
To visualize molecular-obital densities, e.g., use:\n
   xcrysden --xsf psi2.${prefix}_K001_B001.xsf\n"
            # delete the PP files
            #print "(deleting temporary psi2.${prefix}_K001_B??? files)"
            foreach file [glob -nocomplain psi2.${prefix}_K001_B???] {
                file delete $file
    return $pwo