proc ::pwtk::lobster::getinfo {file} {
Get info about the LOBSTER *CAR*.lobster file. The info is returned as dictionary.
- file -- the *CAR.lobster file; can be abbreviated, e.g., DOS stands for DOSCAR.lobster, DOS.LCFO stands for DOSCAR.LCFO.lobster, etc.
For CO*CAR*.lobster files, the dictionary contains the following keys:
- nat -- number of atoms (set to 0)
- nproj -- number of interactions (including the Avarage)
- nspin -- 1 = unpolarized; 2 = spin-polarized
- npoints -- number of energy points
- Emin -- non-shifted minimum energy of the energy range
- Emax -- non-shifted maximum energy of the energy range
- Ef -- non-shifted Fermi energy
For DOSCAR*.lobster files, the dictionary contains the following keys:
- nat -- number of atoms
- nproj -- number of PDOSes
- pdos -- 1 if PDOS
- nspin -- 1 = unpolarized; 2 = spin-polarized
- volume -- cell volume
- A -- lattice parameter
- B -- lattice parameter
- C -- lattice parameter
- npoints -- number of energy points
- Emin -- non-shifted minimum energy of the energy range
- Emax -- non-shifted maximum energy of the energy range
- Ef -- non-shifted fermi energy
- nproj1 -- number of projections for PDOS of atom/fragment 1
- proj1 -- list of projections for atom/fragment 1
- nproj2
- proj2
- ... (nprojX and projX repeated for each atom/fragment)
if { [regexp {^DOS} [file tail $file]] } { return [::pwtk::lobster::DOSCAR_info_ $file] } else { return [::pwtk::lobster::COXXCAR_info_ $file] } }