proc ::pwtk::ldos_multiplot {args} {
::pwtk::ldos_multiplot ?SPECIFIC-OPTIONS? ?PLOTTING-OPTIONS? PDOSFILE_LLIST ?HEAD? where SPECIFIC-OPTIONS are: -e E_FERMI|PWO_FILE -o ORIENT -nx NX -np NP For PLOTTING-OPTIONS, see: ::pwtk::plot. Ignored PLOTTING-OPTIONS: -u A more detailed description of SPECIFIC-OPTIONS and ARGUMENTS is provided below.
Visualize specified LDOSes as a "multiplot" with aid of Gnuplot.
- -e EFERMI --- Fermi energy (either a floating-point number or a pw.x output file from where to grep the Fermi energy)
- -o ORIENT --- page orientation for EPS (default = portrait); if -s is specified, this option is ignored
- -nx NUMBER --- number of plots per row
- -np NUMBER --- number of plots per page
See ::pwtk::plot
- PDOSFILE_LLIST -- list of lists of projwfc.x PDOS files (or their sum generated with ::pwtk::sumldos)
- HEAD -- (optional, default = multiplot-X, X = integer) rootname for the generated plot files: $ and, for file terminals, $HEAD.EXT, where EXT = image type
The structure of the PDOSFILE_LLIST list-of-lists is the following:
set PDOSFILE_LLIST { {pdosFile1 pdosFile2} {pdosFileX pdosFileY pdosFileZ} pdosFileW }
For each list element in PDOSFILE_LLIST, a plot is generated. Hence, the number of generated plots is [llength $PDOSFILE_LLIST]. For the above example, three LDOS plots are created. The 1st plot displays the LDOSes for pdosFile1 and pdosFile2, the 2nd plot displays the LDOSes for pdosFileX, pdosFileY, and pdosFileZ, etc.
Filename of the created image (for file terminals) or the empty string (for window terminals).
set xdos LDOS set mode multi printTitle $xdos "Multiplot $xdos plotting" print "Options & arguments : $args\n" # parse command-line options & initialize plotting set arguments "PDOSFILE_LLIST ?HEAD?" xdosParseOpts_initPlot_ # # make an LDOS plot for each list element in $pdosLL # set ith 0 set ipage 1 foreach pdosL $pdosLL { set plot {} # # filledcurves # if { $dos_fill } { set lt 1 foreach pdos $pdosL { set kres [pdos_kresolved $pdos] set spin [pdos_spin $pdos] set Ei [expr 1 + $kres] set Yi [expr 2 + $kres] append plot " '$pdos' u (\$$Ei-Efermi):(\$$Ei-Efermi <= 0.0 ? \$$Yi : 0/0) not w filledcurve y1=0.0 lt $lt, \\\n" if { $spin } { set Yi [expr 3 + $kres] append plot " '$pdos' u (\$$Ei-Efermi):(\$$Ei-Efermi <= 0.0 ? -\$$Yi : 0/0) not w filledcurve y1=0.0 lt $lt, \\\n" } incr lt } append plot " \\\n" } # # lines # set lt 1 foreach pdos $pdosL { set kres [pdos_kresolved $pdos] set spin [pdos_spin $pdos] set Ei [expr 1 + $kres] set Yi [expr 2 + $kres] if { $lt > 1 } { append plot ", \\\n" } append plot " '$pdos' u (\$$Ei-Efermi):(\$$Yi) t '$pdos' w l lt $lt lw 2" if { $spin } { set Yi [expr 3 + $kres] append plot ", \\ '$pdos' u (\$$Ei-Efermi):(-\$$Yi) not w l lt $lt lw 2" } incr lt } $gp plot $plot } return [::pwtk::gp::execDisplay_ $gp opt] }