proc ::pwtk::eos::findMinimum {latticeType head datafile} {
Depending on the latticeType (sc, bcc, fcc, hex, or noncubic), read either a-vs-E (cubic systems) or V-vs-E (noncubic systems) datafile and find optimum a0, E0, and B0 (i.e. lattice parameter, total energy, and bulk modulus). The datafile should consist of two-columns, the first is either the lattice parameter [in bohr] or the cell volume [in bohr^3], the second is the correspponding total energy [in Ryd].
Comment lines starting with "#" are allowed in the datafile.
This command is used by the EOS workflow.
- latticeType -- the ev.x Bravais lattice type (sc, bcc, fcc, hex, or noncubic)
- head -- prefix for the output files
- datafile -- filename of datafile
# read points from datafile set ibrav [::pwtk::pwi::ibrav] set npoints 0 ::pwtk::lineread line $datafile { if { [llength $line] >= 2 && ![regexp "^ *#" $line] } { incr npoints if { $latticeType eq "sc" || $latticeType eq "bcc" || $latticeType eq "fcc" } { set a($npoints) [lindex $line 0] if { ![string is double $a($npoints)] } { ::pwtk::error "syntax error reading $datafile: expected a real-number for A, but got $a($npoints)" 1 } set V($npoints) [getV0fromA0_ $a($npoints)] } else { set V($npoints) [lindex $line 0] if { ![string is double $V($npoints)] } { ::pwtk::error "syntax error reading $datafile: expected a real-number for V, but got $V($npoints)" 1 } set a($npoints) [getA0fromV0_ $V($npoints)] } set E($npoints) [lindex $line 1] if { ![string is double $E($npoints)] } { ::pwtk::error "syntax error reading $datafile: expected a real-number for E, but got $E($npoints)" 1 } } } if { $npoints < 3 } { ::pwtk::error "can't find a minimum for less than three data points" 1 } if { $npoints < 7 } { ::pwtk::warning "number of data points < 7" } # map between id & equation-of-state for ev.x array set emap { 1 birch1 2 birch2 3 keane 4 murnaghan } # find the lowest-energy point set mini 1 set E(mini) $E(1) for {set i 1} {$i <= $npoints} {incr i} { if { $E($i) < $E(mini) } { set mini $i set E(mini) $E($i) } } # calculate a0 and B0 for different number of points ... # TODO: this should be adopted and symmetric range of points (wrt minimum) determined ! set done 0 set first 1 set last $npoints set ii 1 while { ! $done } { set npoi [expr {$last - $first + 1}] # write datafile with $npoi points set dataf ${head}.$first-$last.dat set dat [open $dataf w] for {set i $first} {$i <= $last} {incr i} { if { abs($ibrav) > 0 && abs($ibrav) < 4 } { puts $dat " $a($i) $E($i) " } else { puts $dat " $V($i) $E($i) " } } close $dat # calculate a0, E0, and B0 for the current number of points, # $npoi, using all four equation of states supported by ev.x for {set eqs 1} {$eqs <= 4} {incr eqs} { set prefix ${head}.$emap($eqs).$first-$last if { [file exists $prefix.ev_out] } { file delete -- $prefix.ev_out } ::pwtk::writeFile $ "au\n$latticeType\n$eqs\n$dataf\n$prefix.ev_out" # BEWARE: ev.x seems not to understand the "-in" command line option, use stdin redirection instead ::pwtk::run -serial -ihandle "<" ev.x $ $prefix.ev.out # extract the a0 && E0 && B0 set out [open $prefix.ev_out r] gets $out line gets $out line close $out set line [regsub -all = $line {}] if { abs($ibrav) > 0 && abs($ibrav) < 4 } { # cubic systems set a0($npoi,$eqs) [lindex $line 2] } else { # for hcp & noncubic ev.x reports V0 set a0($npoi,$eqs) [getA0fromV0_ [lindex $line 2]] } set B0($npoi,$eqs) [lindex $line 5] set E0($npoi,$eqs) [lindex $line end] } set im($npoi) $first set iM($npoi) $last # decrease the number of points if { $ii % 2 } { incr last -1 } else { incr first } if { ! ($first < $mini && $last > $mini) || $npoi <= 7 } { set done 1 } incr ii } # print the result set res [open $head.RESULTS w] puts $res " FINAL RESULTS:: --------------- Lattice type: $latticeType OPTIMISED LATTICE PARAMETER, a0 (in Bohr units):: ------------+------------+------------+------------+----------- # points | MURNAGHAN | BIRCH O(1) | BIRCH O(2) | KEANE ------------+------------+------------+------------+-----------" for {set np $npoints} {$np >= $npoi} {incr np -1} { puts $res [format " %2i: %2i--%-2i | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f | %8.3f " \ $np $im($np) $iM($np) \ $a0($np,4) $a0($np,1) $a0($np,2) $a0($np,3)] } puts $res " ------------+------------+------------+------------+-----------\n" puts $res " OPTIMISED Total Energy, E0 (in Ryd units):: ------------+------------+------------+------------+----------- # points | MURNAGHAN | BIRCH O(1) | BIRCH O(2) | KEANE ------------+------------+------------+------------+-----------" for {set np $npoints} {$np >= $npoi} {incr np -1} { puts $res [format " %2i: %2i--%-2i | %10.4f | %10.4f | %10.4f | %10.4f " \ $np $im($np) $iM($np) \ $E0($np,4) $E0($np,1) $E0($np,2) $E0($np,3)] } puts $res " ------------+------------+------------+------------+-----------\n" puts $res " OPTIMISED Bulk Modulus, B0 (in kbar units):: ------------+------------+------------+------------+----------- # points | MURNAGHAN | BIRCH O(1) | BIRCH O(2) | KEANE ------------+------------+------------+------------+-----------" for {set np $npoints} {$np >= $npoi} {incr np -1} { puts $res [format " %2i: %2i--%-2i | %5i | %5i | %5i | %5i " \ $np $im($np) $iM($np) \ $B0($np,4) $B0($np,1) $B0($np,2) $B0($np,3)] } puts $res " ------------+------------+------------+------------+-----------\n" close $res # print also to stdout ::pwtk::print [pwtk::readFile -nonewline $head.RESULTS] ::pwtk::print "Result written to file $head.RESULTS\n\n" }