proc ::pwtk::pdos_atm_files {args} {
::pwtk::pdos_atm_files ?-f PATTERN? ?-n PATTERN? ?-s PATTERN? ?-w PATTERN? ?-l PATTERN?
Return a list of projwfc.x filpdos pdos_atm files that matches the supplied (glob) patterns. The name of these files are:
where N = atom number, S = atom symbol, M = wfc number, l = orbital angular momentum (s,p,d,f).
Note that options are cumulative, implying that the full glob pattern is assembled by their combination.
All the options are optional (default value for each option is "*" that means anything).
- -f PATTERN --- glob pattern for the 'filpdos' head (note that the assembled glob pattern is PATTERN.pdos_atm#*(*)_wfc#*(*)
- -n PATTERN --- list of atom numbers (glob * and ? patterns and ranges using \"from-to\" syntax are supported)
- -s PATTERN --- list of atom symbols (glob * and ? patterns are supported)
- -w PATTERN --- list of wfc numbers (glob * and ? patterns and ranges using \"from-to\" syntax are supported)
- -l PATTERN --- list of orbital angular momentum s, p, d... (glob * and ? patterns are supported)
set pdosFiles [::pwtk::pdos_atm_files -n 1-6]
This will return all pdos_atm files for atoms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the current working directory.
set narg -1; # no narg checking (allow flexible use) set usage "?-f PATTERN? ?-n PATTERN? ?-s PATTERN? ?-w PATTERN? ?-l PATTERN?" set options { {f.arg * "glob pattern for the 'filpdos' head"} {n.arg * "list of atom numbers (glob * and ? patterns and ranges using \"from-to\" syntax are supported)"} {s.arg * "list of atom symbols (glob * and ? patterns are supported)"} {w.arg * "list of wfc number (glob * and ? patterns and ranges using \"from-to\" syntax are supported)"} {l.arg * "list of orbital angular momentum s, p, d... (glob * and ? patterns are supported)"} } parseOpt_ if { $opt(n) != "*" } { set opt(n) \{[join [::pwtk::expandSequence $opt(n)] ,]\} } if { $opt(s) != "*" } { set opt(s) \{[join $opt(s) ,]\} } if { $opt(w) != "*" } { set opt(w) \{[join [::pwtk::expandSequence $opt(w)] ,]\} } if { $opt(l) != "*" } { set opt(l) \{[join $opt(l) ,]\} } set glob $opt(f).pdos_atm#${opt(n)}($opt(s))_wfc#${opt(w)}($opt(l)) ::pwtk::print "glob pattern for selecting pdos_atm files: $glob\n" return [lsort [glob -nocomplain $glob]] }