

This example shows how to run multiple pw.x calculations (i.e., scans over several parameters, such as energy-cutoff, k-points, and lattice-constant) and plot the results.

This example is similar to scan-Si.pwtk but more convergence tests is performed and the results are plotted.




# this test takes a while, hence let's activate the restart mode with
# ::pwtk::restart, implying that if we rerun this script, the already
# done calculations will be skipped.

restart on

# load the pw.x input file with ::pwtk::pwi::load_fromPWI

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convergence-test #1:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# title can be printed to stdout with ::pwtk::printTitle
printTitle TEST-1 "Convergence test #1: K_POINTS"

set dat Cu.kpoint.dat; # name of datafile

# make a scan over k-points with ::pwtk::scanpar
# N.B. the input data modified inside the 'scanpar' loop are
# automatically reset, once the 'scanpar' is completed because it
# internally uses the input stacking mechanism of ::pwtk::input::pushpop

scanpar k { 4 8 12 16 } {
    # set the k-points
    K_POINTS automatic "$k $k $k   1 1 1"

    # name = prefix of the I/O files
    set name pw.Cu.scf.k-$k

    # use ::pwtk::runPW to perform the pw.x calculation
    runPW $name; # creates I/O files $ & $name.out

    # pwo_totene is a shortcut for ::pwtk::pwo::totene, which extracts
    # total energy from the pw.x output file, and ::pwtk::write is
    # used to write the 'scanpar' parameter and total energy to the
    # '$dat' datafile
    write $dat [pwo_totene $name.out]
# text can be printed to stdout with ::pwtk::print
print TEST-1 "Total energies written to :  $dat\n"

# simple graphs can be plotted with ::pwtk::plot, which can plot into
# a window (default) or file (eps, pdf, png...)
# plotting into a window is blocking (i.e. PWTK waits for window to
# close before proceeding); to plot in a non-blocking mode, prefix the
# plot command with ::pwtk::bg or ::pwtk::thread

bg plot -xl "k of (k × k × k)" -yl "Total energy (Ry)" -yf %.4f $dat

# this is how to plot into a PNG image
set png [plot -t png -xl "k of (k × k × k)" -yl "Total energy (Ry)" -yf %.4f $dat]

# PNG image can be displayed with ::pwtk::display, which open the
# image with a suitable image-viewer available on a computer

display $png &;  # "&" executes viewer in a background (i.e. non-blocking) mode

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convergence-test #2:
# BASIS SET: ecutwfc & dual, where dual = ecutrho/ecutwfc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

printTitle TEST-2 "Convergence test #2: BASIS SET (ecutwfc & dual)"
print TEST-2 "dual = ecutrho / ecutwfc\n"

# we do not want the 'dual' parameter to appear in the datafiles,
# hence we use 'foreach' instead of 'scanpar' for the topmost loop

foreach dual { 4 8 12 } {        
    set dat Cu.ecutwfc.dual$dual.dat; # name of datafile

    scanpar ecutwfc [seq 25 5 45] {        
        set name pw.Cu.scf.ecutwfc-$ecutwfc.dual-$dual
        SYSTEM "ecutwfc = $ecutwfc
                ecutrho = $ecutwfc*$dual"
        runPW $name; # creates I/O files $ & $name.out

        # 'write' writes the 'scanpar' parameter and total energy to
        # the '$dat' datafile
        write $dat [pwo_totene $name.out]

    # add the current datafile to the list of datafiles (used later for plotting)
    lappend datList $dat;
    print TEST-2 "Total energies written to :  $dat\n"

# to plot in a non-blocking mode, we can also use ::pwtk::thread
thread plot -xl "ecutwfc (Ry)" -yl "Total energy (Ry)" -yf %.3f {*}$datList

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convergence-test #3:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

printTitle TEST-3 "Convergence test #3: SMEARING & DEGAUSS vs K-POINTS"

foreach nk {4 8 12 16} {

    K_POINTS automatic "$nk $nk $nk   1 1 1"

    foreach smearing { gauss m-p m-v } {

        set dat $smearing.k$nk.dat; # name of datafile
        scanpar degauss {0.01 0.03 0.06 0.09} {                
            SYSTEM " smearing = '$smearing' 
                     degauss  = $degauss "
            write $dat [pwo_totene [runPW pw.Cu.scf.degauss-$degauss.$smearing.k$nk]]
        # add the current datafile to the list of datafiles (used later for plotting)
        lappend data($smearing) $dat
        print TEST-3 "Total energies written to :  $dat\n"

# several plots per page can be created with ::pwtk::multiplot
multiplot -xl "smearing (Ry)" -yl "Total energy (Ry)" -yf %.3f $data(gauss) $data(m-p) $data(m-v)