proc ::pwtk::display {args} {
display ?-type DOCUMENT_TYPE? FILE1 ?FILE2? ... ?&?
Display document(s) with a viewer. By default, the document type is obtained from the document file extension, unless the document type is explicitly given with the -type option.
If the last argument is "&", then the document viewer is executed in the background mode.
- -type DOCUMENT_TYPE ... type of the document (eps, pdf, png...); if not specifed, the document type is obtained from the file extension
- FILE1, FILE2, ... documents to display
- & ... if the last argument is &, the viewer is executed in the background mode
set lastarg [lindex $args end] set bg {} if { $lastarg eq "&" } { set bg & set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] } ifexist ::env(PWTK_PAUSE) { # check if PWTK_PAUSE is a positive number: in this case open the viewer for $PWTK_PAUSE seconds if { [::pwtk::type::number posreal -strict $::env(PWTK_PAUSE)] } { set bg & set pause [time2ms ${::env(PWTK_PAUSE)}sec] } } set nargmin 1 set nargmax -1 set usage "-type DOCUMENT_TYPE FILE1 ?FILE2? ..." set options { {type.arg {} "type of the document (eps, pdf, png...)"} } ::pwtk::parseOpt_ foreach document $args { if { $opt(type) eq {} } { # get the doc type from the file extension set ext [string trimleft [file extension $document] .] } else { set ext $opt(type) } switch -nocase -- $ext { ps - eps - pdf { set viewer [docViewer] } svg { set viewer [svgViewer] } default { set viewer [imgViewer] } } if { $viewer != {} } { try { set pid [exec -ignorestderr $viewer $document {*}$bg] ifexist pause { # kill the viewer after $pause milliseconds # (we use "catch" because a user may already closed the window) delayed_eval $pause catch [list exec kill $pid] } } on error err { ::pwtk::error "an error occured while trying to display the document \"$document\"\n\n$err" } } else { ::pwtk::error "cannot display \"$document\"; no usable viewer found" } } }