proc ::pwtk::bg {args} {
bg ?-r? ?-s? ?-np? ?-id ID? ?-fid FID? script ?script? ?script ...?
- -r ... redirect stdout of the job to a log file (the name of the logfile is bg.$scriptName.$id.log)
- -s ... silent mode, i.e., do not print the bg's info messages to stdout
- -np ... do not use the propagate mechanism (default = use propagate, see: ::pwtk::propagate)
- -fid FID ... (used internally by PWTK) kind of File-ID used for assembling the filename of the script to execute in the background
- -id ID ... (used internally by PWTK) ID number
Options -s, -np, -fid, -id are typically only used internally by PWTK.
Arranges for a script, formed by concatenating all the script arguments, to run in a background (technically, the script is executed by launching a new PWTK process in the background). Hence, the command returns immediately. To wait for the job to finish, use the ::pwtk::bg_wait command.
The script to be executed in a background is formed by concatenating all the script arguments. For example, the following two examples are equivalent:
::pwtk::bg print "I am a new bg job"
::pwtk::bg { print "I am a new bg job" }
- the ID of the created background job (this ID can be used for the ::pwtk::bg_wait command)
variable bg set id [incr bg(count)] set index $id set findex $id set bg($id,redirect) 0 set options { {r "redirect the stdout of this bg job to a log file"} {s "silent mode"} {np "do not use the propagate mechanism (default = use propagate)"} {fid.arg {} "the File-ID used for assembling the filename of the script"} {id.arg {} "the explicit ID number"} } set nargmin 1 set nargmax -1 set usage "?-r? ?-id ID? ?-fid FID? script ?script? ?script ...?" ::pwtk::parseOpt_ if { $opt(r) } { set bg($id,redirect) 1 } if { $opt(id) ne {} } { set index $opt(id) } if { $opt(fid) ne {} } { set findex $opt(fid) } if { [llength $args] == 1 } { set args [concat {*}$args] } if { [set head [file tail [file rootname [info script]]]] ne {} } { append head . } set scr bg.${head}$findex.pwtk set log bg.${head}$findex.log if { !$opt(s) } { print BG "Background job No.$index" print "Script to run for background job-$index:\n\n[string trim $args]\n" } print "Script to run for background job-$index written to: $scr" if { $bg($id,redirect) } { print "Output of background job-$index redirected to a log file: $log" set bg($id,log) [open $log w] } puts "" if { $opt(np) } { writeFile $scr $::pwtk::pkg_init_script\n$args } else { writeFile $scr $::pwtk::pkg_init_script\n[::pwtk::propagate_dump]\n$args } set bg($id,chan) [open [list | tclsh $scr] r] fconfigure $bg($id,chan) -blocking 0 -buffering line fileevent $bg($id,chan) readable [list ::pwtk::bg_fileevent_ $id] return $id }