proc gp { args } {
Start and control gnuplot.
Taken from and used almost verbatim (changes by A.K. are marginal)
Alexander Mlynski-Wiese
gp args
Normally, all args are passed to gnuplot. The following convenience function is applied: if the first argument is a filename OR if the first argument is the command 'plot', then:
- if filename contains wildcards (*), the youngest matching file is selected
- the selected file is searched for lines containing "#! command": (1) if such commands are found, these commands are sent to gnuplot; (2) otherwise, a plot command is sent to gnuplot
gp filename \ if filename contains wildcards (*), gp 'filename' \ select youngest file matching gp plot filename / if file exists, try to read "#! commands" gp plot 'filename' / from it gp filename using 3:6 -> plot 'filename' using 3:6 gp set title 'TEST' gp replot gp exit -> terminate gnuplot
variable gnuplot variable gnuplot_rx set cmdline "" set argc [llength $args] set tryDaq 0 if { $argc >= 2 && [lindex $args 0] == "plot" } { set tryDaq 1 } #----------------------------------------------------------------- # try to interpret arg as a filename #----------------------------------------------------------------- set filename [string trim [lindex $args $tryDaq] "'"] #----------------------------------------------------------------- # convenience: if filename contains '*', look for youngest # file matching pattern #----------------------------------------------------------------- if { [regexp {\*} $filename] } { set dir [file dirname $filename] set mask [file tail $filename] set files [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -types f $mask] if { [llength $files] > 0 } { set filename [lindex $files 0] set filetime [file mtime $filename] foreach fname [lrange $files 1 end] { set mtime [file mtime $fname] if { $mtime > $filetime } { set filename $fname set filetime $mtime } } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------- # check if arg is a filename, try to read "#! commands" from file #----------------------------------------------------------------- if { [file exist $filename] } { if { $argc <= 2 } { set f [open $filename "r"] while { [gets $f line] > -1 } { if { [regexp {^#!\s*(.*)} $line all cmd] } { ;# append cmdline "$cmd\n" } } close $f regsub -all {\$this} $cmdline $filename cmdline } if { $cmdline == "" } { set cmdline "plot '$filename'" } #set cmdline "set title '$filename'\n$cmdline" set cmdline "$cmdline" foreach arg [lrange $args $tryDaq+1 end] { append cmdline "$arg " } } #----------------------------------------------------------------- # build cmdline from args #----------------------------------------------------------------- if { $cmdline == "" } { foreach arg $args { append cmdline "$arg " } } #----------------------------------------------------------------- # start gnuplot if not alread running #----------------------------------------------------------------- if { ! [info exist gnuplot] } { # gnuplot writes to stderr! set gnuplot [open "|gnuplot 2>@1" r+] # how s small configuration can be done puts $gnuplot "set grid lt -1 lc '#bbbbbb'\nset style data linespoints" fconfigure $gnuplot -buffering none fileevent $gnuplot readable { #--------------------------------------------------------- # async. background receive #--------------------------------------------------------- if { [eof $gp::gnuplot] } { catch { close $gp::gnuplot } unset gp::gnuplot } else { set rx [gets $gp::gnuplot] if { $gp::gnuplot_rx == "-" } { puts stderr $rx; # 'gp' no longer waiting } else { set gp::gnuplot_rx $rx } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------- # send command to gnuplot #------------------------------------------------------------------- set gnuplot_rx "" puts $gnuplot "$cmdline\n" #------------------------------------------------------------------- # wait 150ms if gnuplot writes a response #------------------------------------------------------------------- after 150 [list append gnuplot_rx ""] vwait gnuplot_rx set rx $gnuplot_rx set gnuplot_rx "-"; # show I'm not waiting any longer! return $rx }