proc ::pwtk::neb_plot {args} {
::pwtk::neb_plot ?-wp WITH? ?-artn ACTIVATION_ENERGY? ?-aw WITH? ?PLOTTING-OPTIONS? ?HEAD?
- -wp WITH --- Gnuplot's "with" plot specs for energy points in neb.x DAT file (wp = with-points; the -w option is used for the neb.x INT file)
- -artn ACTIVATION_ENERGY --- the refined value of the activation energy calculated with the ARTn plugin (it will be displayed on the plot with the horizontal line)
- -aw WITH --- Gnuplot's "with" plot specs for the ARTn activation-energy line
See ::pwtk::plot (N.B. the -u option is ignored)
- HEAD --- the rootname for the neb.x DAT and INT files (i.e. $HEAD.dat, $
Plot the neb.x calculated MEP (minimum-energy path) along the reaction coordinate.
if { [auto_execok gnuplot] == {} } { ::pwtk::error "[procName] requires gnuplot, but gnuplot was not found" return } ::pwtk::gp::defaultCmdlineOpts_ plot options usage workflow ignoredOpts_ -u $args addOpts_ options usage { {wp.arg "Gnuplot's \"with\" splot specification for NEB energy points"} {artn.arg "the refined value of the activation energy calculated with the ARTn plugin"} {aw.arg "Gnuplot's \"with\" plot specs for the ARTn activation-energy line"} } { {-wp WITH} {-artn ACTIVATION_ENERGY} {-aw WITH} } setOpts_ options [subst { xl {'Reaction coordinate (relative units)'} yl {'{/${::pwtk::gp::gp(font)}-Italic E} − {/${::pwtk::gp::gp(font)}-Italic E}_{IS} (eV)'} xf '%.1f' xt 0,0.2 mx 4 my 2 xr 0:1 wp {p lt 1 lw 4 pt 7 ps 1.2} w {l lt 2 lw 4} aw {l lt 3 lw 4} t eps artn {} }] #yf '%.2f' set narg 1 set usage "[fmtUsage_ $usage] HEAD" parseOpt_ ::pwtk::gp::checkCmdlineOpts_ opt set head $args if { $opt(artn) eq {} } { set plot $head print NEB "Plotting MEP along the reaction coordinate\n" } else { # N.B. the gnuplot file for ::pwtk::neb_refine_artn is artn.$ set plot $head set head [::pwtk::trim_prefix artn $head] print NEB+ARTn "Plotting MEP along the reaction coordinate\n" } fileMustExist $head.dat "neb.x DAT file" fileMustExist $ "neb.x INT file" set gp [::pwtk::gp::plot new -s $opt(s) $plot.$opt(t)] $gp cmdlineOpts opt if { $opt(artn) eq {} } { $gp unset key $gp plot "'$' w $opt(w), '$head.dat' w $opt(wp)" } else { # -artn option $gp set key opaque $gp plot "'$' not w $opt(w), '$head.dat' t 'NEB' w $opt(wp), $opt(artn) t 'ARTn' w $opt(aw)" } return [::pwtk::gp::execDisplay_ $gp opt] }