proc ::pwtk::gp::term_usable {term} {
Return a Gnuplot name for the terminal, derived from $term, that is supported by Gnuplot.
This proc is typically used internally by PWTK.
Name of the Gnuplot terminal that exists. In particular, it returns $term if the Gnuplot terminal $term exists, otherwise returns some terminal that exists ("dumb" if anything else fails).
The terminal search follows the logic:
- if $term is win.term, return any win.term that exists
- if $term is file.term, return any file.term that exists
- if $term is txt.term, return any txt.term that exists
If all these fail, return any or empty (=default) terminal
variable supported_terminals variable gp set term [pwtk2gp $term] set warning {The requested Gnuplot terminal \"$term\" is either not supported by PWTK or\ndoes not exist in Gnuplot. Using the \"$t\" terminal instead.} if { [term_ok $term] } { return $term } else { # if we have a win-terminal & no DISPLAY, use the dumb txt.terminal if { $term in $gp(win.terminals) \ && $::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && ![info exists ::env(DISPLAY)] } { if { $term eq {} } { set term win } ::pwtk::warning "cannot use the $term terminal: no \$DISPLAY environment variable, using the dump terminal instead" return dumb } # get a usable file.terminal for a file.terminal, # win.terminal for a win.terminal, ..., or any usable terminal foreach type {file. win. txt. ""} { if { $term in $gp(${type}terminals) && [info exists gp(${type}supported_terminals)] } { # $term is a $type type terminal, use the first avaiable terminal set t [lindex $gp(${type}supported_terminals) 0] if { $term ne {} } { # empty $term stands for a window terminal; do not print warning ::pwtk::warning [subst $warning] } return $t } } # no usable terminals found, return {} (i.e. empty terminal) set t {} ::pwtk::warning [subst $warning] return $t } }