proc ::pwtk::gp::new_page_multiplot {term pageNo mpName pauseValue {head {}}} {
Get a Gnuplot snippet for a new page for a multiplot. Do not confuse it with ::pwtk::gp::new_page_plot that is used for single-plot.
Typically used internally by PWTK.
- term --- terminal type
- pageNo --- page number of the new page
- mpName --- name of the multiplot_array variable
- head --- [optional] the rootname of the Gnuplot's output file
variable gp upvar $mpName mp if { ! [info exists mp] } { ::error "multiplot_array \"$mpName\" does not exists" } array set a [pause_ $pauseValue] set term [pwtk2gp $term] if { $pageNo > 1 } { if { $term in $gp(file.terminals) || $term in $gp(txt.terminals) } { set clear "\nunset multiplot" } else { # case: $term in $gp(win.terminals) set clear "\npause $a(pause)\nunset multiplot" } set output "\nset output '[output $term $head $pageNo]'" } else { set clear "" set output "" } if { $term in $gp(file.terminals) } { switch -- $term { pdfcairo - postscript { return "$clear set multiplot layout $mp(ny),$mp(nx) " } default { return "${clear}$output set multiplot layout $mp(ny),$mp(nx) " } } } elseif { $term in $gp(win.terminals) } { if { $pageNo == $mp(pp) } { set title "Page $pageNo/$mp(pp) ($a(pauseText) to Exit)" } else { set title "Page $pageNo/$mp(pp) ($a(pauseText) to continue to next page)" } if { $term ne {} } { # this does not work for empty, {}, window terminal return "$clear set term $term title '$title' set multiplot layout $mp(ny),$mp(nx) title '$title' font '$gp(font),$gp(fontSize)' " } else { # empty terminal return "$clear set multiplot layout $mp(ny),$mp(nx) title '$title' " } } elseif { $term in $gp(txt.terminals) } { # txt and empty window terminal return "$clear set multiplot layout $mp(ny),$mp(nx) title 'Page $pageNo/$mp(pp)' " } else { ::pwtk::error "unsupported PWTK terminal \"$term\", must be one of [join $gp(terminals) {, }]" 1 } }