proc ::pwtk::time2unit {unit time} {
::pwtk::time2unit UNIT TIME
Convert the time to requested unit and return the result as a real number.
- UNIT -- time-unit to convert the time to
- TIME -- the time to convert, specified in the format accepted by ::pwtk::time2ms
Units of time ("*" implies any string, e.g., micro* matches microseconds):
- micro* = microseconds
- ms = milliseconds
- no unit specified, s, sec* = seconds
- m, min* = minutes
- h, H, hour* = hours
- d, D, day* = days
- w, W, week* = week
- M, month* = month
- y, Y, year* = year
# in milliseconds: set sec 1000 set min [expr {60*$sec}] set hour [expr {60*$min}] set day [expr {24*$hour}] set week [expr {7*$day}] set month [expr {30*$day}] set year [expr {365*$day}] # convert time to ms set time [expr double([time2ms -real $time])] switch -glob [string trim $unit -] { micro* { return [expr {1000*$time}] } ms { return $time } s - sec* { return [expr {$time/$sec}] } m - min* { return [expr {$time/$min}] } h - H - hour* { return [expr {$time/$hour}] } d - D - day* { return [expr {$time/$day}] } w - W - week* { return [expr {$time/$week}] } M - mon* { return [expr {$time/$month}] } y - Y - year* { return [expr {$time/$year}] } default { ::pwtk::error "wrount unit of time; must be one of micro, ms, s, h, h, d, w, M, or y, but got $unit" 1 } } }