proc ::pwtk::coorToAtmPos {coor refAtmPos} {
Tranform "coor" to "atmPos" according to the reference atmPos, where "coor" are:
AtmSymb1 x1 y1 z1 AtmSymb2 x2 y2 z2 ...
and "atmPos" are:
AtmSymb1 x1 y1 z1 [if_pos1(1) if_pos1(2) if_pos1(3)] AtmSymb2 x2 y2 z2 [if_pos2(1) if_pos2(2) if_pos2(3)] ...
Note that coor can be prepended with the "ATOMIC_POSITIONS (unit)" line and in this case also the resulting "atmPos" will be prepended with the "ATOMIC_POSITIONS (unit)" line
- coor -- coordinates to tranform to atmPos
- refAtmPos -- reference atmPos used for the "if_pos" info
# parse refAtmPos and store the if_pos records set N 0 foreach line [split [::pwtk::purifyCoor $refAtmPos] \n] { incr N set if_pos($N,1) [lindex $line 4] set if_pos($N,2) [lindex $line 5] set if_pos($N,3) [lindex $line 6] } # parse coor and supplement it with the if_pos fields set atmPos "" set nl "" set i 0 foreach line [split $coor \n] { if { [regexp ATOMIC_POSITIONS $line] } { append atmPos $line set nl \n continue } set nf [llength $line] if { $nf == 4 || $nf == 7 } { incr i set ifp {} if { $i <= $N } { set ifp [concat $if_pos($i,1) $if_pos($i,2) $if_pos($i,3)] } append atmPos "${nl}$line $ifp" set nl \n } } return $atmPos }