proc ::pwtk::pwi::dipoleCorr {args} {
::pwtk::pwi::dipoleCorr ?-vac1st thicknessBohr? ?-diplayer thicknessBohr? ?-vac2nd thicknessBohr? slab_thicknessBohr
Set the dipole correction.
- -vac1st thickness ... the thickness of vacuum from top of the slab to the dipole layer in Bohr
- -diplayer thickness ... the thickness of the dipole-layer in Bohr
- -vac2nd thickness ... the thickness of vacuum from top of the dipole-layer to the bottom of the adjecent slab in Bohr
- slab_thicknessBohr ... slab thickness in Bohr
This command presuposses that surface normal is along Z and a 2D slab structure is the following:
z=C ---------- | | vac2nd | | +--------+ diplayer +--------+ | | vac1st | | +--------+ z=slab_thickness_bohr |//SLAB//| z=0 +--------+
Based on this assumption, edir=3 and the emaxpos and eopreg variables are set accordingly.
The size of the C lattice vector in Bohr units. The C lattice vector points along the Z-direction, which is the surface-normal direction.
set narg 1 set options { {vac1st.arg {} "thickness of vacuum from top of the slab to the dipole layer in Bohr"} {diplayer.arg {} "thickness of the dipole-layer in Bohr"} {vac2nd.arg {} "thickness of vacuum from top of the dipole-layer to the bottom of the adjecent slab in Bohr"} } set usage "?-vac1st thickness? ?-diplayer thickness? ?-vac2nd thickness? slab_thickness" ::pwtk::parseOpt_ lassign [::pwtk::dipcorrDefault_ $opt(vac1st) $opt(diplayer) $opt(vac2nd)] opt(vac1st) opt(diplayer) opt(vac2nd) ::pwtk::checkOTypeStrict_ -vac1st $opt(vac1st) {number posreal} "positive number" ::pwtk::checkOTypeStrict_ -vac2nd $opt(vac2nd) {number posreal} "positive number" ::pwtk::checkOTypeStrict_ -diplayer $opt(diplayer) {number posreal} "positive number" # BEWARE: all thicknesses are in Bohr ! set slab_height $args set dipZ [expr $slab_height + $opt(vac1st)] set Z [expr $slab_height + $opt(vac1st) + $opt(diplayer) + $opt(vac2nd)] set emaxpos [expr $dipZ / $Z] set eopreg [expr $opt(diplayer) / $Z] CONTROL { dipfield = .true. tefield = .true. } SYSTEM [subst { edir = 3 emaxpos = $emaxpos eopreg = $eopreg }] ::pwtk::print ++++ "Loading dipole correction ..." ::pwtk::print "------------------------------ max slab height (including adsorbate) = [format %6.3f $slab_height] Bohr vacuum thickness below the dipole layer = [format %6.3f $opt(vac1st)] Bohr dipole-layer thickness = [format %6.3f $opt(diplayer)] Bohr vacuum thickness above the dipole layer = [format %6.3f $opt(vac2nd)] Bohr size of 3rd lattice vector along Z = [format %6.3f $Z] Bohr (emaxpos = [format %8.6f $emaxpos], eopreg = [format %8.6f $eopreg]) " return $Z }