proc ::pwtk::run_wait {args} {
run_wait ?id1? ?id2? ...
Wait for the specified 'run -bg' background processes to finish.
If ::pwtk::run_wait is called without arguments, the command waits for all the 'run -bg' background processes to finish.
- args ... list of IDs of 'run -bg' background processes; an empty list implies all IDs
variable run if { ! [info exists run(bg.ID)] } { # nothing to wait for; there are no 'run -bg' background processes return } set all_procs 0 set remedy_activated 0 # default == wait for all processes if { $args eq {} } { set args [::pwtk::run_ids] set all_procs 1; # wait for all bg procs to finish } set args [concat {*}$args] foreach id [::pwtk::lunique $args] { ifexist run(bg.PID,$id) { lappend pids $run(bg.PID,$id) lappend ids $id } } ifexist pids { set pr [expr { [llength $pids] > 1 ? "es" : "" }] print "Waiting for the background process$pr $pids to finish ...\n" foreach pid $pids id $ids { # wait for the background process $pid to finish pid_wait $pid unset run(bg.PID,$id) # now execute a remedy & postrun scripts for $pid ::pwtk::input::pushpop { variable state ::pwtk::input::load_state $run(bg.peek,$id) if { [remedy $run(bg.pname,$id)] } { set remedy_activated 1 if { [checkForError $run(bg.output,$id) $run(bg.prog,$id) 0] } { set remedy [remedy $run(bg.pname,$id) get] ::pwtk::infoMsg "An error occured in '$run(bg.output,$id)'.\nTrying to remedy it by using the remedy script:\n$remedy" ::pwtk::input::pushpop { remedy $run(bg.pname,$id) clear eval $remedy eval $run(bg.run_cmd,$id) } } } else { checkForError $run(bg.output,$id) $run(bg.prog,$id) $state(stopOnError) } # handle "postrun" set pname $run(bg.pname,$id) if { $pname eq "hp.x" } { # make a backup copy of $prefix.Hubbard_parameters.dat runHP_backup_HP_ $run(bg.output,$id) } set postruns [::pwtk::postruns_ $pname] if { $postruns ne {} } { foreach name $postruns { # should a postrun be done inside pushpop? NO! #::pwtk::print "Evaluating the postrun script:\n$state($name)" eval $state($name) } } } } } if { $all_procs && $remedy_activated } { # there may be 'remedy' unfinished bakcground processes ::pwtk::run_wait } }