

proc ::pwtk::report {args} {


   report WHAT ?arg? ?arg? ...


::pwtk::report is an ensemble command meant to be used in the PWTK interactive prompt for querying useful info about PWTK and QE. Choose among:

      report structure ?EXECUTABLE? ?EXECUTABLE? ...
      report exceptions
      report programs
      report plugins
      report commands PATTERN
      report exported PATTERN
      report cmd COMMAND

For further info, type 'report' in the PWTK interactive prompt.


    if { $args eq {} } {
        puts "
Possible items to query with report are:

  [@ green]report structure [@ grey it]?EXECUTABLE? ?EXECUTABLE? ...[@]
         report structure of inputs for specified QE executables as
         used by PWTK (if no executable is specified, input structures
         of all supported QE executables are reported)

  [@ green]report exceptions[@]
         report all PWTK naming exceptions (e.g., in PWTK, some cards
         and namelists have different names than in QE)

  [@ green]report programs[@]
         report all QE executables supported by PWTK and their
         associated runCmd commands and input namespaces

  [@ green]report plugins[@]
         report all QE plugins (e.g. environ, oscdft...) supported by PWTK

  [@ green]report commands [@ it grey]PATTERN[@]
         report all PWTK commands that matches [@ it grey]PATTERN[@], where [@ it grey]PATTERN[@]
         is either a QE executable, PWTK namespace, or pattern

  [@ green]report exported [@ it grey]PATTERN[@]
         report all PWTK exported commands (i.e. commands that can be
         used without the ::pwtk prefix) that matches [@ it grey]PATTERN[@], where
         [@ it grey]PATTERN[@] is either a QE executable, PWTK namespace, or pattern

  [@ green]report cmd [@ it grey]COMMAND[@]
         report if the [@ it grey]COMMAND[@] command is exported and can be used
         without the namespace qualifiers (e.g. without the ::pwtk prefix)

    } else {
        ::pwtk::report_ {*}$args