proc ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE {queueSystem args} {
This is a driver for the execution of PWTK script with the batch-queuing system. It creates a batch shell script and a pwtk script that is executed within batch shell script. Then it submits the batch shell script to the queue.
This is a generic command used by the implementation of specific queuing systems, such as SLURM, LL, LSF, which are created with "::pwtk::queue::init $queueSystem ..."
The batch shell script consists of four parts:
profile (always exists) | head (optional) | pwtk (always exists) | tail (optional)
- profile -- contains the batch-queue directives (e.g. #SBATCH); it is set with ${queueSystem}_profile command
- head -- contains optional shell commands that are executed prior to executing PWTK, such as "module load ..."; it is set with ${queueSystem}_head command
- pwtk -- in this part, the PWTK script is executed; it is set internally by PWTK
- tail -- contains optional shell commands that are executed after the PWTK script finishes; it is set with ${queueSystem}_tail command
::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem ?profile? ?-option value ...? script or ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem ?profile? ?-option value ...? file
::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem file.pwtk ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem { ...script code... } ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem -option1 value1 -option2 -option3 ... file.pwtk ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem -option1 value1 -option2 -option3 ... { ...script code... } ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem profile file.pwtk ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem profile { ...script code...} ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem profile -option1 value1 -option2 -option3 ... file.pwtk ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE queueSystem profile -option1 value1 -option2 -option3 ... { ...script code... }
The last argument of the ::pwtk::queue::QUEUE can be either a PWTK script-code or a PWTK file.
- queueSystem -- name of the batch queuing system (e.g. slurm, ll, lsf, ...)
- args -- various arguments (see USAGE and EXAMPLES)
variable direct variable queue variable counter variable pwtk_profile # direct mode (i.e. pwtk is executed directly from the created batch script) set direct 1 incr counter # # parse command-line arguments # set QUEUE [string toupper $queueSystem] set nargs [llength $args] set lastarg [lindex $args end] set profileName default if { $nargs == 0 } { ::pwtk::error "no script provided to the $QUEUE command" 1 } elseif { $nargs == 1 } { # called as: $QUEUE script # (no parsing of args needed) ::pwtk::queue::setProfile_ $queueSystem default } elseif { $nargs >= 2} { # called with profile and/or options # N.B. some options have values but others have not, hence do not make the even-odd check! if { [regexp ^- $args] } { # the profile was not specified, use default set args [concat default $args] incr nargs } set profileName [lindex $args 0] ::pwtk::queue::setProfile_ $queueSystem {*}[lrange $args 0 $nargs-2] } # script or file ? if { [file exists $lastarg] } { # the last argument is a file set scriptHead [file tail [file rootname $lastarg]] set script [::pwtk::readFile $lastarg] } else { # the last argument is a script code set scriptHead [file tail [file rootname [info script]]] set script $lastarg } # PWTK profile script ::pwtk::ifnotempty pwtk_profile($queueSystem,$profileName) { set pwtk_profile_ $pwtk_profile($queueSystem,$profileName)\n } set script [::pwtk::varvalue pwtk_profile_]$script # filenames if { $scriptHead ne {} } { append scriptHead . } set pwtk_scriptName [::pwtk::queue::scriptName_ ${scriptHead}$queueSystem.pwtk] set pwtk_logName $pwtk_scriptName.log set queue_scriptName [::pwtk::queue::scriptName_ ${scriptHead}$] writeFile $pwtk_scriptName [::pwtk::propagate_dump]\n$script set queue($queueSystem,pwtk) "pwtk $pwtk_scriptName > $pwtk_logName 2>&1\n\n" # printout ::pwtk::printTitle $QUEUE "running PWTK script within the $QUEUE batch queuing system" ::pwtk::print "batch PWTK script : $pwtk_scriptName" ::pwtk::print "batch PWTK log file: $pwtk_logName" ::pwtk::print "batch profile name : $profileName" ::pwtk::ifnotempty pwtk_profile_ { ::pwtk::print "batch PWTK script profile:\n" ::pwtk::print [::pwtk::trimIndent $pwtk_profile_] } ::pwtk::print "\n$QUEUE batch script: $queue_scriptName Content of the $QUEUE script:\n\n[::pwtk::skipEmptyLines [get $queueSystem]]\n" # submit to $QUEUE ::pwtk::queue::submit $queueSystem $queue_scriptName set direct 0 }