proc ::pwtk::pwi::tabulateStructs {args} {
::pwtk::pwi::tabulateStructs ?options? latexFile pwiFileList xcrysdenScriptList
- -xcd 0|1|2
- -reduce 2|1|0
- -ncol <value>
- -npage <value>
Plot with xcrysden the structures from the supplied list of pw.x input files ($pwiFileList) and arrange them into a table in LaTeX document ($latexFile).
To instruct xcrysden how to plot each structure, user has to provide at least one xcrysden script (i.e., the state-part of *.xcrysden file). If user supllies more then one xcrysden script ($xcrysdenScriptList), each structure will be plotted several times, i.e., once with each suppplied xcrysden script file.
- -xcd 0|1|2 -- execute xcrysden (0 = never, 1 = always, 2 = only if the respective picture file does not yet exists)
- -reduce 0|1|2 -- reduce the periodic dimensionality of the structure (i.e. xcrysden's "-r" option)
- -ncol <value> -- arrange snapshots into ncol columns in the LaTeX table
- -npage <value> -- hint of how many pages the LaTeX table should span
- latexFile -- name of latex file to tabulate the structure
- pwiFileList -- list of pw.x input files
- xcrysdenScriptList -- list of xcrysden script files
# parse args ::pwtk::printTitle TABULATE "tabulation of pw.x input files (::pwtk::pwi::tabulateStructs)" set options { {xcd.arg 1 "do we run xcrysden to make figures"} {reduce.arg 3 "reduce the dimensionality of structure"} {npage.arg 1 "number of pages the table will span (estimate only)"} {ncol.arg -1 "number of columns (-1 means automatically determined)"} } array set opt [::cmdline::getoptions args $options [list [lindex [info level 0] 0] options:]] lassign $args latexFile fileList xcrysScriptList if { $opt(xcd) == 1 } { ::pwtk::xcd::runScript 1 } else { ::pwtk::xcd::runScript 0 } # make structure figures pwtk::xcd::scriptHead { scripting::filter::pwscfInput $structureFile $reduce } set figList [::pwtk::xcd::makeFigs $fileList $xcrysScriptList ic $opt(reduce)] # make titles & texts ... foreach file $fileList { set prefix [file rootname [file tail $file]] lappend titleList $prefix lappend infoList [list "input structure"] } set textList {} # puts all figures into latex longtable and write corresponding LaTeX file ::pwtk::latex::tabulateFigs $latexFile $figList $titleList $infoList $textList $opt(npage) $opt(ncol) ::pwtk::print "LaTeX file written to: $latexFile" }