proc ::pwtk::pwi::fixAtoms {atomList {fixString "0 0 0"}} {
Fix specified atoms by setting if_pos(:) flags to $fixString
- atomList -- list of atoms (indices) to be immobilized (list of atoms can also have a symbolic compact syntax supported by ::pwtk::parseRangeString)
- fixString -- list of if_pos(:) values (optional, default = {0 0 0})
set atmPosList [getAtmPos] if { $atmPosList eq {} } { # no atoms ::pwtk::error "atomic structure is empty: cannot fix atoms [join $atomList {, }]" 1 } # check that indices are in range set natoms [::pwtk::pwi::getNAtoms] set atomList [lsort -integer -unique [::pwtk::parseRangeString $atomList $natoms]] foreach index $atomList { ::pwtk::int_in_range1_ $index $natoms } # parse atmPosList set nat 0 set fi {} set oi {} if { [string match -nocase {*first_image*} [lindex $atmPosList 0]] } { # path calculation set fi [lindex $atmPosList 0]\n foreach line [lrange [split $atmPosList \n] 1 end] { if { [string match -nocase *intermediate_image* $line] || [string match -nocase *last_image* $line] } { set oi $line\n } elseif { $oi != {} } { append oi $line\n } elseif { [llength $line] == 4 || [llength $line] == 7 } { incr nat set atmPos($nat) $line } } } else { # normal calculation foreach line [split $atmPosList \n] { if { [llength $line] == 4 || [llength $line] == 7 } { incr nat set atmPos($nat) $line } } } # immobilize atoms foreach ind $atomList { if { $ind > 0 && $ind <= $nat} { set coor [lrange $atmPos($ind) 0 3] set atmPos($ind) [concat $coor $fixString] } } # build a new atmPos list set atmp {} if { $fi != {} } { set atmp $fi } for {set ia 1} {$ia <= $nat} {incr ia} { append atmp $atmPos($ia)\n } if { $oi != {} } { append $atmp $oi } # load $atmp into the ATOMIC_POSITIONS card ::pwtk::input::cardContent ATOMIC_POSITIONS $atmp }