proc ::pwtk::pwi::CELL_PARAMETERS_fromPWO {pwoFile {index end}} {
Load a CELL_PARAMETERS card from the pw.x output file. CELL_PARAMETERS are loaded only if the record is present in the pw.x output file unless index==0 or index==end (in this case the initial lattice-vectors are returned; for index==end, the initial lattice-vectors are returned if CELL_PARAMETERS records are missing in the output).
- pwoFile -- name of pw.x output file
- index -- (optional, default = end) which lattice to load. The index of 0 indicates the first lattice found in the pw.x output. The index for the last lattice can be specified by string "end".
1. The ibrav is set to 0 if CELL_PARAMETERS are found in $pwoFile and loaded into PWTK. 2.
set vec [::pwtk::pwo::getPrimVec -k $pwoFile $index] if { $vec eq "" } { ::pwtk::warning "failed to load CELL_PARAMETERS with index = $index\nfrom the PWO file '$pwoFile'; record not found" } else { set ibrav [::pwtk::pwi::ibrav] if { $ibrav != 0 } { ::pwtk::infoMsg "from [::pwtk::procName]:\nsetting ibrav = 0,\nwhile loading CELL_PARAMETERS from the PWO file '$pwoFile'" SYSTEM " ibrav = 0 " } if { [string match {*alat*} $vec] } { # CELL_PAREMETERS in alat: alat must be defined in the SYSTEM namelist set alat_not_set [expr { [::pwtk::pwi::aA] eq {} && [::pwtk::input::namelistGetVarValue SYSTEM celldm(1)] eq {} }] if { ! [string match {*=*} $vec] } { # we have the initial lattice vectors: CELL_PARAMETERS (alat) if { $alat_not_set } { set pwo_alat [::pwtk::pwo::alat $pwoFile 0] ::pwtk::infoMsg "from [::pwtk::procName]:\nsetting celldm(1) = $pwo_alat,\nwhile loading the initial lattice vectors from the PWO file '$pwoFile'" SYSTEM " celldm(1) = $pwo_alat " } } else { # we have: CELL_PARAMETERS (alat= 21.08089896) set iron_alat [::pwtk::pwi::alat] set pwo_vec $vec set cell_line [lindex [split $vec \n] 0] set alat [lindex [split $cell_line =\)] 1] if { $alat_not_set } { ::pwtk::warning "from [::pwtk::procName]:\nCELL_PARAMETERS are specified in alat units in '$pwoFile',\nbut alat is currently not set.\n Using the alat calculated from the CELL_PARAMETERS record in '$pwoFile',\ni.e., setting celldm(1) = $alat" SYSTEM " celldm(1) = $alat " } else { # we need to rescale cell_parameters wrt iron and new alat set vec [::pwtk::scaleVec $alat/$iron_alat [::pwtk::purifyVec $vec]] ::pwtk::infoMsg "from [::pwtk::procName]:\n\"$cell_line\" line found in '$pwoFile';\n rescaling cell vectors from PWO by a factor $alat/$iron_alat\n* extracted cell vectors:\n$pwo_vec\n * rescaled cell vectors:\nCELL_PARAMETERS (alat)\n[::pwtk::CELL_PARAMETERS_math_parser $vec]" } } # CELL_PARAMETERS (alat) [::pwtk::purifyVec $vec] # } else { # we have: CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom) or CELL_PARAMETERS (bohr) # unset celldm & A SYSTEM { celldm(1) = , A = , a = } CELL_PARAMETERS [lindex $vec 1] [::pwtk::purifyVec $vec] } } }