proc ::pwtk::pwi::ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromXSF {args} {
::pwtk::pwi::ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromXSF ?options? xsfFile
- -alat ... keep coordinates in alat units, i.e., do not convert them to Angstroms (default)
- -noalat ... transform alat coordinates to Angstrom or Bohr units
- -ifpos ... copy if_pos(:) fields from current (old) coordinates
- -image index ... which image (snapshot) to use from AXSF file
Load coordinates from XSF file into ATOMIC_POSITIONS card. If the -ifpos options is specified, then the if_pos(:) fields from the current (old) ATOMIC_POSITIONS card will be loaded into new card.
Beware that "alat" in pw.x and XSF2 have slightly different meanings: "alat" in XSF is always the length of A-lattice vector, whereas in pw.x input this is not always the case. To prevent the usage of "alat" coordinates, specify -noalat option and the coordinates will be transformed to Angstrom or Bohr units, depending on the units in which the lattice vectors are specified in the XSF file.
- xsfFile -- name of XSF file
set options { {alat "do no tranform 'alat' coordinates to Angstroms"} {noalat "do not use coordinates in alat unit, tranform them to Angstrom or Bohr units"} {ifpos "copy if_pos(:) fields from current (old) coordinates"} {image.arg 1 "which image to use from AXSF file"} } array set opt [::cmdline::getoptions args $options [list [lindex [info level 0] 0] options:]] if { $opt(alat) && $opt(noalat) } { pwtk::error "conflicting options -alat and -noalat specified, please use just one of them" 1 } if { [llength $args] > 1 } { pwtk::error "wrong usage: should be ::pwtk::pwi::ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromXSF ?options? xsfFile, but got:\n ::pwtk::pwi::ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromXSF $args" 1 } # parse XSF-file set xsfFile [lindex $args 0] ::pwtk::fileMustExist $xsfFile XSF set unit [::pwtk::xsf::getPrimCoorUnit $xsfFile] set coor [::pwtk::atmPosToCoor [::pwtk::purifyCoor [::pwtk::xsf::getPrimCoor $xsfFile $opt(image)]] ] # NOTE: -alat is default, hence query $opt(noalat) ! if { $opt(noalat) && $unit == "alat" } { # The -noalat option was specified, hence "alat" coordinates # will be tranformed to Angstrom or Bohr units, depending on # the units in which the lattice vectors are specified in the # XSF file. # # RATIONALE: the unit for PRIMCOORD in XSF file can be only # angstrom, whereas XSF2 also supports bohr, crystal, and alat # units. However BEWARE that "alat" in XSF is always the # length of A-lattice vector, whereas in pw.x input this is # not always the case. set unit [::pwtk::xsf::getPrimVecUnit $xsfFile] set vecs [::pwtk::purifyVec [::pwtk::xsf::getPrimVec $xsfFile]] ::pwtk::infoMsg "from ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromXSF: in the \"$xsfFile\" file, the coordinates are specified in alat units, converting them to $unit units" set xsf_alat [::pwtk::norm [lrange $vecs 0 2]] set coor [::pwtk::scaleCoor $xsf_alat $coor] } if { $opt(ifpos) == 1 } { replaceCoor $coor $unit } else { ATOMIC_POSITIONS $unit $coor } # update the "nat" variable ::pwtk::pwi::setNAtoms }