proc ::pwtk::pwi::ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromCRD {crdFile imageIndex} {
::pwtk::pwi::ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromCRD crdFile imageIndex
Load the coordinates of the specified image from the neb.x CRD file into the ATOMIC_POSITIONS card.
Irrespective of the 'imageIndex', the fix-atoms fields are always taken from the first image because only the first image contains them.
The index of the first image is 1.
- crdFile ... the neb.x CRD file (aka *.crd)
- imageIndex ... index of image to extract from the CRD file
::pwtk::fileMustExist $crdFile "neb.x CRD" # read the *.crd file and transform lines into a list set crdL [split [string trim [::pwtk::readFile $crdFile]] \n] # get the number of images set nimages 0 foreach line $crdL { if { [regexp _IMAGE $line] } { incr nimages } } if { $nimages == 0 } { # not a CRD file ::pwtk::error "no images find in the '$crdFile' file" 1 } set imageIndex [::pwtk::parseIndex1 $imageIndex $nimages] # check image index if { $imageIndex < 1 } { ::pwtk::warning "using the first image because the specified 'imageindex' < 1" set imageIndex 1 } elseif { $imageIndex > $nimages } { ::pwtk::warning "using the last image because the specified 'imageindex' > number-of-images" set imageIndex $nimages } # read images set ii 0 set iat 0 set nat 0 set lpos 0 foreach line $crdL { if { [regexp _IMAGE $line] } { incr ii set lpos 0 } elseif { [regexp ATOMIC_POSITIONS $line] } { set unit($ii) [lindex $line 1] set lpos 1 set iat 0 } elseif { [regexp TOTAL_CHARGE $line] } { set lpos 0 } elseif { $lpos } { # read the atomic positions incr iat if { $iat > $nat } { set nat $iat } lassign $line symb($ii,$iat) x($ii,$iat) y($ii,$iat) z($ii,$iat) ifx($ii,$iat) ify($ii,$iat) ifz($ii,$iat) } } # construct atomic positions and load them into ATOMIC_POSITIONS card set pos {} set ii $imageIndex for {set iat 1} {$iat <= $nat} {incr iat} { if { [info exists x($ii,$iat)] && [info exists x(1,$iat)] } { append pos [format $::pwtk::fmt_atmPos(7) \ $symb($ii,$iat) $x($ii,$iat) $y($ii,$iat) $z($ii,$iat) \ $ifx(1,$iat) $ify(1,$iat) $ifz(1,$iat)] } else { ::pwtk::warning "the CRD file '$crdFile' is inconsistent: number of atoms do not match between the images" } } ATOMIC_POSITIONS $unit($imageIndex) $pos # update the "nat" variable ::pwtk::pwi::setNAtoms }