proc ::pwtk::nebi::path2xsf {pathFile} {
Transform "pathFile" into the XSF formatted data.
In the path-to-xsf conversion, the current neb.x input data are used for the Bravais lattice vectors and atomic symbols (hence 'pathFile' should be compatible with the current neb.x input data). For this reason, the command is implemented within the ::pwtk::nebi namespace.
- pathFile -- neb.x path file to tranform to XSF formatted data
The XSF formatted data corresponding to pathFile.
set primVecs [::pwtk::pwi::getPrimVec angstrom] set nat [::pwtk::input::namelistGetVarValue SYSTEM nat] set path_nat [::pwtk::path::getNAtoms $pathFile] if { $nat != $path_nat } { ::pwtk::error "cannot transform the neb.x '$pathFile path file into AXSF because the current number of atoms ($nat) differ from the number of atoms in the path file ($path_nat)" 1 } foreach atm [::pwtk::nebi::getAtmSymbList] { set symb([incr ia]) $atm } # # convert the PATH file to the XSF file # set pd [open $pathFile r] while { ! [eof $pd] } { gets $pd line if { [regexp {NUMBER OF IMAGES} $line] } { gets $pd line set nimages [lindex $line 0] append result "ANIMSTEPS $nimages\n" append result "CRYSTAL\n" append result "PRIMVEC\n" append result $primVecs\n } elseif { [regexp {ENERGIES, POSITIONS AND GRADIENTS} $line] } { for {set ii 1} {$ii <= $nimages} {incr ii} { gets $pd line; # Image string gets $pd line; # energy append result "PRIMCOORD $ii\n" append result "$nat\n" for {set ia 1} {$ia <= $nat} {incr ia} { gets $pd line set x [expr {[lindex $line 0] * $::pwtk::bohr2angs}] set y [expr {[lindex $line 1] * $::pwtk::bohr2angs}] set z [expr {[lindex $line 2] * $::pwtk::bohr2angs}] # make forces compatible with the neb.x AXSF files set fx [expr {[lindex $line 3] / $::pwtk::bohr2angs}] set fy [expr {[lindex $line 4] / $::pwtk::bohr2angs}] set fz [expr {[lindex $line 5] / $::pwtk::bohr2angs}] append result [format $::pwtk::fmt_coor(7) $symb($ia) $x $y $z $fx $fy $fz] } } # we are done close $pd return $result } } close $pd return "" }