proc ::pwtk::nebi::path2imageAtmPos {args} {
::pwtk::nebi::path2imageAtmPos ?-k? ?-ifpos? pathFile index
Get the atomic positions of the index-th image from the neb.x path file.
The current neb.x input data are used for atomic symbols (hence 'pathFile' should be compatible with the current neb.x input data). For this reason, the command is implemented within the ::pwtk::nebi namespace.
- -k ... precede atomic positions with the ATOMIC_POSITIONS keyword
- -ifpos ... return atmPos (symb x y z ifx ify ifz) instead of Coor (symb x y z)
- pathFile -- neb.x path file
- index -- index of image for which to return atomic positions
set narg 2 set usage "pathFile index" set options { {k "precede atomic positions with the ATOMIC_POSITIONS keyword"} {ifpos "return atmPos (symb x y z ifx ify ifz) instead of Coor (symb x y z)"} } ::pwtk::parseOpt_ lassign $args pathFile index set pathL [split [::pwtk::readFile $pathFile] \n] set ims [lsearch -all $pathL Image:*] set nimages [llength $ims] set index [::pwtk::nebi::image_in_range_ $index $nimages] set i1 [expr [lindex $ims $index-1] + 2] if { $index < $nimages } { set i2 [expr [lindex $ims $index] - 1] } else { # for index == nimages, the above recipe does not work for 'i2' set i1m [expr [lindex $ims $index-2] + 2] set i2m [expr [lindex $ims $index-1] - 1] set i2 [expr $i1 + $i2m - $i1m] } set natp [expr $i2 - $i1 + 1] set nati [::pwtk::nebi::getNAtoms] if { $natp != $nati } { ::pwtk::error "the number of input atoms ($nati) differ from the number of atoms in the path file ($natp); cannot assign atomic symbols to atomic positions from the '$pathFile' path file" 1 } set symbols [::pwtk::nebi::getAtmSymbList] set coor [lrange $pathL $i1 $i2] if { $opt(k) } { set result "ATOMIC_POSITIONS (bohr)\n" } if { $opt(ifpos) } { append result [join [lmap s $symbols xyz $coor { format $::pwtk::fmt_atmPos(7) {*}[concat $s [lrange $xyz 0 2] [lrange $xyz 6 8]] }] ""] } else { append result [join [lmap s $symbols xyz $coor { format $::pwtk::fmt_atmPos(4) {*}[concat $s [lrange $xyz 0 2]] }] ""] } return $result }