proc ::pwtk::neb_refine_merge {src_prefix ref_prefix iref_IS iref_FS} {
Merge the original (aka previous-NEB) and refined NEB *.dat, *.int, *.axsf, and *.xyz files. The refined NEB means a NEB calculation on a segment of the original minimum-energy path (MEP), for example, performed by the ::pwtk::neb_refine_auto or ::pwtk::neb_refine command.
The name of the merged files is based on the names of the refined files; if the refined files are named*, then the merged files are named*
This routine is used by ::pwtk::neb_refine and ::pwtk::neb_refine_auto
- src_prefix -- prefix of the original (source; aka previous-NEB) neb.x *.dat file (filename == $src_prefix.dat)
- ref_prefix -- prefix of the refined neb.x *.dat file (filename == $ref_prefix.dat)
- iref_IS -- source (src) image index for IS in the refined neb.x calculation
- iref_TS -- source (src) image index for FS...
A dictionary of the merged filenames, where key is the file-type and value the file-name, i.e.:
dat file.dat int axsf file.axsf xyz
set exts {.dat .int .crd .axsf .xyz} foreach e $exts { set ext [string trim $e .] # if prefixes are specified 'file.$ext', strip the extension set srcFile($ext) [::pwtk::headname $src_prefix $exts].$ext set refFile($ext) [::pwtk::headname $ref_prefix $exts].$ext ::pwtk::fileMustExist $srcFile($ext) "neb.x $ext file" ::pwtk::fileMustExist $refFile($ext) "neb.x $ext file" } # read *.dat files proc read_datfile_ {datfile d_var dE_var err_var N_var} { upvar $d_var d $dE_var dE $err_var err $N_var N foreach line [split [::pwtk::readFile $datfile] \n] { if { [llength $line] == 3 } { incr N lassign $line d($N) dE($N) err($N) } } } read_datfile_ $srcFile(dat) src_d src_dE src_err src_N read_datfile_ $refFile(dat) ref_d ref_dE ref_err ref_N if { $iref_IS < 1 || $iref_FS > $src_N || $iref_IS >= $iref_FS } { ::pwtk::error "iref_IS & iref_FS indices are either out of range or improperly chosen,\nmust be within \[1,$src_N], but got \[$iref_IS,$iref_FS]" 1 } # distance-scale to match "refined" with the "source (aka previous-NEB) set dsc [expr $src_d($iref_FS) - $src_d($iref_IS)] # merge *.dat file set dat_fmt " %16.10f %16.10f %16.10f\n" for {set i 1} {$i <= $src_N} {incr i} { if { $i <= $iref_IS || $i >= $iref_FS } { append result(dat) [format $dat_fmt $src_d($i) $src_dE($i) $src_err($i)] # save coordinates incr image set coor($image) [::pwtk::formatCoor [::pwtk::xsf::getPrimCoor $srcFile(axsf) $i] ] if { $i == $iref_IS } { # insert the refined *.dat file from image 2,ref_N-1 for {set j 2} {$j <= $ref_N-1} {incr j} { set d [expr $src_d($i) + $dsc*$ref_d($j)] set dE [expr $src_dE($i) + $ref_dE($j)] append result(dat) [format $dat_fmt $d $dE $src_err($i)] incr image set coor($image) [::pwtk::formatCoor [::pwtk::xsf::getPrimCoor $refFile(axsf) $j] ] } } } } # read *.int files proc read_intfile_ {intfile d_var dE_var N_var} { upvar $d_var d $dE_var dE $N_var N foreach line [split [::pwtk::readFile $intfile] \n] { if { [llength $line] == 2 } { incr N lassign $line d($N) dE($N) } } } read_intfile_ $srcFile(int) src_int_d src_int_dE src_int_N read_intfile_ $refFile(int) ref_int_d ref_int_dE ref_int_N # merge *.int files set int_fmt " %16.10f %16.10f\n" for {set i 1} {$i <= $src_int_N} {incr i} { if { $src_int_d($i) < $src_d($iref_IS) || $src_int_d($i) > $src_d($iref_FS) } { append result(int) [format $int_fmt $src_int_d($i) $src_int_dE($i)] } else { ::pwtk::ifnotexist inserted { # insert the refined *.int file for {set j 1} {$j <= $ref_int_N} {incr j} { set d [expr $src_d($iref_IS) + $dsc*$ref_int_d($j)] set dE [expr $src_dE($iref_IS) + $ref_int_dE($j)] append result(int) [format $int_fmt $d $dE] } set inserted 1 } } } # merge *.axsf & *.xyz files set nat [::pwtk::xsf::getNAtoms $srcFile(axsf)] set result(axsf) "ANIMSTEPS $image CRYSTAL\nPRIMVEC\n[::pwtk::xsf::getPrimVec $srcFile(axsf)]\n" for {set i 1} {$i <= $image} {incr i} { append result(axsf) "\nPRIMCOORD $i\n$nat 1\n$coor($i)" append result(xyz) "$nat\n\n[::pwtk::formatCoor [::pwtk::atmPosToCoor $coor($i)]]\n" } # write the resulting files set result_dict [dict create] set head merged.[::pwtk::trim_prefix refined [file rootname $refFile(dat)]] foreach ext {dat int axsf xyz} { set merFile($ext) $head.$ext ::pwtk::writeFile $merFile($ext) $result($ext) dict append result_dict $ext $merFile($ext) } return $result_dict }