proc ::pwtk::imageTile {args} {
Tile a set of graphics images into a matrix form, and, if requested, entitle each constituent image with a label.
ImageMagick ( is used to manipulate images.
- -lspecs LABEL_SPECS ... specs for the image labels; LABEL_SPECS are options passed to ImageMagick "convert", e.g., "-pointsize 35 -font Arial -gravity center -fill {#aa0000} -background {#ffffaa}"
- -lpos LABEL_POSITION ... position of image labels: top or botom
- -tile NXxNY ... tile specs {#-of-columns}x{#-of-rows}, i.e., the -tile option of ImageMagick "montage"
- -size SIZE ... size of constituent figures (in px); associated with -size & -geometry of ImageMagick "convert"
- -gap +X+Y? ... gap between constituent figures (in px); associated with -geometry of ImageMagick "convert"
- -b BORDER_THICKNESS? ... border thickens around constituent images; the -border option of ImageMagick "convert
- -bc BORDER_COLOR ... border color around constituent images; the -bordercolor option of ImageMagick "convert
- INPUT_IMAGE_LIST --- list of images to tile with optional labels; this list has the following syntax: {image1 ?label1?} {image2 ?label2?} ... where label1, label2... are optional
- OUTPUT_IMAGE --- name of the output image
- LABEL_LIST --- (optional) list of labels associated with INPUT_IMAGE_LIST; if labels are specified in both INPUT_IMAGE_LIST and LABEL_LIST, the latter has priority
The filename of the output image.
set nargmin 2 set nargmax 3 set usage "?-lspecs LABEL_SPECS? ?-lpos LABEL_POSITION? ?-tile NXxNY? ?-size SIZE? ?-gap +X+Y? ?-b BORDER_THICKNESS? ?-bc BORDER_COLOR? INPUT_IMAGES OUTPUT_IMAGE" set options { {lspecs.arg {-font Arial -gravity center -pointsize 35} "specs for image labels, e.g., {-pointsize 35 -font Arial -gravity center -fill {#aa0000} -background {#ffffaa}}"} {lpos.arg top "position of labels (top | bottom)"} {tile.arg {} "number of tiles per row and column, i.e. NXxNY"} {size.arg {} "set size of constituent (source) images"} {gap.arg +10+10 "separation between constituent images"} {b.arg {} "border thickness around each constituent image"} {bc.arg black "border color around each constituent image"} } ::pwtk::parseOpt_ ::pwtk::checkOType_ -lpos $opt(lpos) {optionlist top bottom} lassign $args imageLabels output labelList set preOpts {} set opts {} set size {} ifnotempty opt(b) { set preOpts [list -bordercolor $opt(bc) -border $opt(b)] } ifnotempty opt(size) { set size [list -size [lindex [split $opt(size) x] 0]] set preOpts [concat $preOpts -geometry $opt(size)] set opts [concat $opts -geometry $opt(size)] } ifnotempty opt(gap) { set opts [concat $opts -geometry $opt(gap)] } # count images & check for labels in imageLabels? set nimages 0 set ilabels 0; # boolean for labels in imageLabels foreach it $imageLabels { incr nimages lappend images [lindex $it 0] if { [llength $it] > 1 } { set ilabels 1 } } # -tile ifempty opt(tile) { # nimages <= 4 ... 2x2 # nimages <= 9 ... 3x3 # nimages <= 16 ... 4x4 # ... set NX [expr int(sqrt($nimages))] if { sqrt($nimages) > $NX } { set NX [expr $NX + 1] } set opt(tile) ${NX}x${NX} } set opts [concat $opts -tile $opt(tile)] set convert [getExecutable convert] set montage [getExecutable montage] set identify [getExecutable identify] # pre-processing of images if { $preOpts ne {} || $ilabels || $labelList ne {} } { ifempty convert { ::pwtk::warning "cannot preprocess images because ImageMagick 'convert' program is not available." } else { set imagesOrig $images set images {} print imageTile "preprocessing images ...\n" if { ! $ilabels && $labelList eq {} } { # no labels, just border foreach image $imagesOrig { set ext [file extension $image] set head [file rootname $image] lappend images ${head}_pp$ext execute $convert {*}$preOpts $image ${head}_pp$ext } } else { # labels foreach it $imageLabels t $labelList { incr i lassign $it image label ifnotempty t { set label $t} ifset label { } set ext [file extension $image] set head [file rootname $image] lappend images ${head}_pp${i}$ext if { $size eq {} } { # -size was not specified; try to get the image size from the image ifnotempty identify { set w [try_exec -i -- $identify -format %w $image] ifnotempty w { set size [list -size $w] } } } execute $convert {*}$opt(lspecs) {*}$size pango:$label label.png if { [regexp top $opt(lpos)] } { execute $convert label.png $image -append {*}$preOpts ${head}_pp${i}$ext } else { execute $convert $image label.png -append {*}$preOpts ${head}_pp${i}$ext } } } } } print imageTile "tiling images ...\n" ifempty montage { ::pwtk::warning "cannot montage images because ImageMagick 'montage' program is not available." return {} } else { execute $montage {*}$images {*}$opts $output print "Output image written to: $output\n" } return $output }