proc ::fnml::getContent {nmlName fileChannel {must_exist 0} {match_first 1} {delim_re {[, \t\n]}}} {
Extract the content of the specified namelist from the file-channel. The content of the namelist is trimmed from the namelist's begin and end tags (i.e. &name, / or &end).
- nmlName -- name of the namelist
- fileChannel -- file-channel
- must_exist -- [optional] must the namelist $nmlName exists, if $must_exist and namelist is not found, an error is thrown
- match_first -- [optional] if true then the first non-empty line must start with the $nmlName word (default = 1)
- delim_re -- [optional] regexp for the allowed delimeter characters (default = {[, \t\n]})
If error occurs, fileChannel is closed.
The content of the namelist w/o the namelist's begin and end tags (i.e. &name, / or &end).
Upon a parsing error (either EOF or if the namelist was not found) an error is triggered and error-code is set to PARSE_ERROR
variable errInfo variable errCode set nmlName &[string trimleft $nmlName &] while {1} { incr nl set line [readline_ $fileChannel] # allow for, e.g., &NAMELIST,var=value ... set name [lindex [regsub , $line { }] 0] if { $nl == 1 } { set name_1st $name } if { [string toupper $name] eq [string toupper $nmlName] } { if { $match_first && $nl > 1 } { # the namelist wasn't found at the first non-empty line close $fileChannel error "expected namelist $nmlName, but got \"$name_1st\"" $errInfo $errCode } break } if { [eof $fileChannel] } { if { $must_exist } { close $fileChannel error "end of file while searching for namelist $nmlName" $errInfo $errCode } return {} } } # strip the nmlName from line set line [regsub -nocase "^$nmlName" $line {}] set s '; # single-quote set d \"; # double-quote set q -1; # stores the quoted character set inside_q 0; # inside|outside the quoted string set result {}; # resulting correctly-delimiter-split list set end 0; # will be 1 when encountering end-of-namelist while {1} { foreach c [split $line\n {}] { if { ! $inside_q } { # outside quoted string if { $c eq "!" } { # it's comment, skip the rest of the line append result \n break } if { $c eq "/" } { # it's the end of namelist character set end 1 break } if { $c eq $s || $c eq $d } { # string starting quote set q $c set inside_q 1 } if { [regexp $delim_re $c] } { if { [info exists word]} { # delimiter outside the string --> it's delimiter if { [string tolower $word] eq "&end" } { # it's the end of namelist character set end 1 break } unset word } } else { append word $c } } else { # inside quoted string if { $c eq $q } { # string ending quote set inside_q 0 } append word $c } append result $c } if { $end } { # trim possible &end return [regsub -nocase {&end$} $result {}] } if { $must_exist && [eof $fileChannel] && $end == 0 } { error "end of file, while reading namelist $nmlName" $errInfo $errCode } set line [readline_ $fileChannel] } return {} }