proc ::pwtk::eos::init_ {} {
Initialize the EOS calculation, and perform some checks on the input variables.
variable eos if { ! [info exists eos(mode)] } { ::pwtk::warning "EOS mode not set, setting it to \"auto\"" set eos(mode) auto } set ibrav [::pwtk::pwi::ibrav] printTitle_ "Search for an optimum A-lattice parameter" print_ " ibrav = $ibrav (lattice type: [::pwtk::eos::ibrav2lattice $ibrav])" print_ " mode = $eos(mode)" print_ " number of points = $eos(npoints)" print_ " use estimator points = $eos(use_estimator_points)" print_ " use stress = $eos(use_stress)" if { $eos(mode) == "auto" && !$eos(use_stress) } { # N.B. ::pwtk::eos::run_auto_ cmd uses hardcoded "tstress = .true." print_ " WARNING: mode == auto and use_stress == false; using stress anyway" } # switch to celldm() ::pwtk::pwi::abc2celldm # which EOS mode ? switch -- $eos(mode) { auto { if { ! [info exists eos(a0)] } { set eos(a0) -1.0 } if { $eos(a0) < 0.0 } { # set the initial a0 to celldm(1) or A from input set a0 [::pwtk::pwi::alat] if { $a0 > 0.5 } { set eos(a0) $a0 } else { ::pwtk::error "unreasonable value for the initial lattice parameter a0: $a0" 1 } } if { $eos(da0) > 0.4 } { ::pwtk::error "da0 is too big: typical value should be about 10%" } if { $eos(da0) < 0.03 } { ::pwtk::error "da0 is too small: typical value should be about 10%" } print_ " initial a0 = $eos(a0) bohr" print_ " initial B0 = $eos(B0) kbar" print_ " scale_min = $eos(scale_min)" print_ " scale_max = $eos(scale_max)" } range { if { ![info exists eos(amin)] || ![info exists eos(amax)] } { ::pwtk::error "input parameter \"amin\" or \"amax\" is not defined" 1 } if { $eos(amin) > $eos(amax) } { ::pwtk::error "amin is larger than amax, $eos(amin) and $eos(amax), respectively" 1 } print_ " lattice parameter search-range: \[$eos(amin), $eos(amax)\] bohr" } stepwise { if { ![info exists eos(amin)] || ![info exists eos(da)] } { ::pwtk::error "input parameter \"amin\" or \"da\" is not defined" 1 } if { $eos(da) > 0.5*$eos(amin) } { ::pwtk::error "da is too big: typical value should be a few percents of a0" } print_ " amin = $eos(amin) bohr" print_ " da = $eos(da) bohr" } default { ::pwtk::error "wrong EOS mode \"$eos(mode)\", must be one of auto, range, stepwise" } } }