This example shows how to perform bonding analysis with LOBSTER; it requires the "lobster" executable,
The structure considered is a two-layer slab of CO/Rh(100)-c(2x2).
# the pw.x input data are imported from CORh.pwtk with ::pwtk::import import CORh.pwtk # the rootname used for the I/O files set name CO-Rh100-c2x2-2L # load CELL_PARAMETERS and ATOMIC_POSITIONS from the XSF file CELL_PARAMETERS_and_ATOMIC_POSITIONS_fromXSF CO-Rh100-c2x2-2L.xsf # FOR LOBSTER, we need PAW potentials nbnd=48 SYSTEM { nbnd = 48 } ATOMIC_SPECIES { C 1.0 C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF O 1.0 O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF Rh 1.0 Rh.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF } # the ::pwtk::lobster_run command performs pw.x SCF (option -scf), pw.x NSCF # (option -nscf) and lobster calculations and makes basic DOS, COOP, COHP, and COBI plots # # the input for lobster can be specified with the LOBSTER card or as a # command-line argument to the ::pwtk::lobster_run command # # with the -dir option, we request to perform calculations in a subdirectory lobster_run -scf -nscf {6 6 1} -xf '' -v -dir lobster.$name $name { COHPstartEnergy -10 COHPendEnergy 6 usebasisset pbeVaspFit2015 includeOrbitals s p d # define the CO molecule molecule atom 1 atom 2 # calculate COHP for the C-Rh bond cohpbetween atom 2 atom 4 # calculated COHP between the CO molecule and Rh atom to which CO binds cohpbetween frag 1 atom 4 } # once the lobster calculation was performed, we can instruct PWTK to # make various plots with the ::pwtk::lobster_plot and # ::pwtk::lobster_multiplot commands # # let's create a multiplot containing the following plots: # # - DOS projected to CO and its molecular orbitals # - DOS projected to the CO molecule and Rh atom to which CO binds # - DOS projected to individual s & p orbitals of C and O atom # - DOS projected to s and average of px+py+pz orbitals of C and O atom # # N.B. if the -dir option was used for ::pwtk::lobster_run, also here # the -dir option must be specified with the same directory lobster_multiplot -nx 5 -v -xr 0:8 -dir lobster.$name { { DOS.LCFO.frag1 {i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8} } { DOS.atom1-2 i0 DOS.atom4 i0 } { DOS.orbatom1 { i1 i2 i3 i4 } DOS.orbatom2 {i1 i2 i3 i4 } } { DOS.orbatom1 { i1 (i2+i3+i4)/3.0 } DOS.orbatom2 {i1 (i2+i3+i4)/3.0 } } }